Reflexology Plus

acupressure + meridian therapy + colour work + counselling skills

+ 18 years Reflexology experience

Acknowledgements :The Journey

“I have been treated by Louise for over a year and she is the best reflexologist I have known. She is extremely knowledgeable about her subject and I’m sorry when the session has finished. It’s a shame we only have two feet!” (Estelle B)
I haven’t arrived at such rewarding accolade without the influence, inspiration and support of some rather special people who I’d like to thank and acknowledge:-
Moss Arnold: Founder of the Australian College of Chi-Reflexology. An innovator and inspirational teacher. My guru! Author of Reflexology: Basics of the Middle Way and Chi-Reflexology: Guidelines for the Middle Way.
Lone Sorensen: An holistic pioneer dedicated to improving the spectrum of health through reflexology including her ‘Sistem’ of Facial Reflexology.
Eunice Ingham: A reflexology and health pioneering spirit from the last century responsible for the foundations of modern day reflexology.
Lilian Verner-Bonds: My “psychology of colour” mentor. An internationally renown author, teacher and healer with colour.
Nina Farhi (sadly deceased). Psychotherapist. Author. Lecturer. Director of The Squiggle Foundation. One of life’s wonderful people!
Phil Nuttridge: a colleague who has mentored and helped me with my work.
Chris Ardill – a colleague whose reflexology skills have have supported me over the years.
David Exeter – my husband who has supported and encouraged me through the years and not received the number of treatments he deserves!